Purchase all 4 Briefs: Training Strategies for Safety & Risk Management


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  • Description

      • Why We Did the Research
      • Demographics
      • What You'll Learn

      Why We Did the Research

      Your company must have compliance measures in place to ensure the welfare of the organization, the people who work there and the customers you serve. While compliance training deals with complex threats, your approach to it doesn’t have to be complicated. This series of research briefs outlines a data-driven framework that can help you assess the risks you face; identify which ones might still be unknown; and determine how training can protect your company, employees and customers. 

      Addressing risk through compliance training is a perpetual focus area for many companies. The influx of technology and increasingly complex and matrixed businesses have ushered in a new wave of risks with which companies must contend. Compliance training is an essential ingredient in navigating, mitigating and pre-empting the variety of risks in today’s work environments. We conducted this research to help L&D functions gain a fuller picture of the modern risk landscape and offer suggestions for what your training function can do to meet it head-on.


      Training Industry’s 2019 research brief series, “Training Strategies for Safety and Risk Management,” gathers responses from 261 learning leaders representing a wide cross-section of functional areas and industries including manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and more!

      What You'll Learn

      This series of research briefs* covers how risk can impact your company’s employees, customers, tangible resources and intangible assets. Each research brief in the series includes:

      • The different ways that risks can present themselves
      • How prevalent risks are, both generally and across industries
      • Illustrative, real-world case studies
      • Recommendations to align compliance training practices with company goals and strategy