The State of the Learning Technologies Market
- Understand the Market
- Why We Did the Report
- What You’ll Learn
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- The size of both the global training market and the learning technologies market.
- Types of learning technologies
- Common and specialized features for learning technologies.
- Trends in the learning technologies market.
- Training Industry’s 2022 Top 20 LMS, LXP, Experiential Learning Technologies, and Advanced Learning Technologies Companies.
Understand the Market
Learning technologies are software tools, applications, systems or platforms used for the purpose of administering, authoring and delivering learning, along with tools used for learning through social collaboration. This report focuses on learning management systems (LMS), learning experience platforms (LXP), experiential learning technologies and advanced learning technologies.
Our market segment intelligence is derived from more than 15 years of corporate training marketplace analysis and sizing. We have compiled this data from more than 500 training and development vendor submissions to our annual Top 20 awards lists.
Why We Did the Report
The learning technologies segment of the corporate training market was one of the few segments in which there was an increase in spending last year, and that has continued into this year. As many companies sent employees to work from home in 2020, organizations quickly realized the need for learning technologies to continue employee training and development. Companies purchased learning technologies during the pandemic to secure a digital learning solution.
Training Industry introduced the Top 20 Companies Lists for LMS, LXP, experiential learning technologies and advanced learning technologies to help learning and development (L&D) professionals locate the best potential training partner for their organization’s needs. This report uses data and market insights to cover changes in the learning technologies market over time.
What You’ll Learn
This report provides current insights on the learning technologies market, including:
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