The State of the Learning Services Market
- The size of both the global training market and the learning services market.
- Types of learning services.
- Popular delivery modalities for custom content.
- Trends in the learning services market.
- Training Industry’s 2022 Top 20 Training Outsourcing and Custom Content Development Companies.
Understand The Market
Managed learning services, also known as training outsourcing, refers to the outsourced management of training activities and/or processes. Companies differ on how they implement a training project within their organization. Some initiate the project completely in house, some outsource specific services, and some fully outsource an end-to-end learning solution from design and development to delivery and execution.
Our market segment intelligence is derived from more than 15 years of corporate training marketplace analysis and sizing. We have compiled this data from more than 500 training and development vendor submissions to our annual Top 20 awards lists.
Why We Did The Report
The learning services market was one of the most disrupted segments of the learning and development (L&D) market during the COVID-19 pandemic. This disruption meant changes in spending and in managed learning services offerings. Today, we see learning service providers helping companies refocus their training to digital learning solutions.
Training Industry introduced the Top 20 Companies Lists for learning services in 2017 to help L&D professionals locate the best potential training partner for their organization's needs. This report uses data and market insights to cover changes in the learning services market over time, the size of the current market, popular subject areas and trends based on our Top Learning Services Companies application.
What You'll Learn
This report provides current insights on the learning services market, including:
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