Learning and the Employee Experience


  • Description

      • What You'll Learn
      • Why We Did the Report
      • Why It Matters
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      What You'll Learn

      Whether due to transitioning to remote and hybrid work, economic pressures or other factors, it’s undeniable the “normal” employee experience has changed. In this e-book, discover what this new normal means for both employees and organizations as well as best practices for learning and development (L&D) in navigating these unchartered waters.

      This e-book provides data-backed insights on:

      • The influence of training in organizations.
      • Who the training decision-makers are.
      • How learning functions within the business.
      • L&D strategies for enriching the employee experience.

      Why We Did the Report

      Understanding the importance of training in a climate where 65% of people leaving their jobs don’t return to the same industry, is a necessity that cannot be overlooked. What this means for organizations is a rise in resignations as employees grapple with unprecedented changes to what it means to work. Our goal with this e-book is to challenge learning leaders to think about how training strategy meshes with the wider objectives of the business.

      What this means for organizations is a rise in resignations as employees grapple with unprecedented changes to what it means to work.

      Why We Did the Research

      Learning how to face these challenges and embracing this new normal is imperative for staying afloat in today's market. To guide you in your training decisions, we’ve collected insights from our own research data as well as from institutional sources to paint a picture of what learning means to the work experience of modern employees.

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