How Virtual Reality Can Become a Reality for Your Organization


  • Description

      What You'll Learn

      Many organizations are interested in virtual reality (VR) but might not be sure if it’s right for their learners. This report discusses VR-specific challenges in employee training along with recommendations for how organizations can overcome these obstacles.

      In this e-book, you’ll gain data-backed insights on:

      • VR’s relevance to L&D.
      • Resource, learner, and development-related VR challenges.
      • Best practices for organizations to address these obstacles in their own VR training.

      Why We Did the Research

      There are several factors that might prevent organizations from using VR in their employees’ learning experiences. As the tools improve and the possibilities get broader, organizations might simply be held back from a lack of information regarding the new technology and the anticipated hurdles that come with it.

      To better understand the opportunities and challenges implementing VR content carries with it, Training Industry surveyed 373 organizations, focusing on those that currently have VR content implemented into their training offerings and organizations that are planning to in the near future. We’ve analyzed this data to provide a realistic idea of what to expect when implementing VR and how to tackle any obstacles.

      Why It Matters

      VR is becoming increasingly common in the learning technology stacks at many organizations. The more these companies implement and find success with these solutions, the more interest grows in their potential.

      But, for as novel and intriguing as VR tools may be, many L&D leaders and stakeholders may wonder, “Can VR really be used across the entire enterprise?”

      Find out in this new e-book!

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